Monday, October 13, 2008

The Lonely Clown

I've always heard
That you only fail
When you've stopped trying

Well, that isn't true
I find failure is when
You're always dissapointing,


Well I've tried so many times
And I can't seem to get past
All my troubles
Because my plans are not pre-assessed
Someone looks down at me like I'm,

No one.

Potential is clear
Success is so near
But I cannot hear
What is being said

To me.

Am I dragging you down?
When I am around?
I noticed you found-
Popularity so profound
I look like a clown
But get down to it and I'm just

So alone.

I look for a new sound
But I just hit the ground
I want to stay down
I just want to frown
But then I

See you.

And I try a little longer.

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