Monday, February 9, 2009

This Society

I know what I want
I know what YOU want me to be
I know what YOU want me to do
I know that I don't want to
I know that YOU'll be happy if I do
I know that, I just won't
I know that now a days, people don't base you off of your character
I know that all everyone sees is a piece of paper with letters meaning nothing to me
I know that when I don't do what YOU want, YOU get mad
I know that for some stupid reason I have to say sorry, and make up for it. Because YOU say so.
I know what my future will be.
I know it will be sad. But it is MY decision.
I know what I will have to do to make my life better. And I will try.
I know I will break my promises.
I know that you will get mad at me, and yell at me.
I know that in the end you will strike me down, and put me in harm's way.
I know that you, Society, is what I thrive off of. And whose standard's will ultimately and udderly shut me out, and shut me down.
I know there will be others, whose hearts are soft, who will pitty me.
I know that if I pull through, I will take vengence on those who shoved me down.
I know that if I succeed without your guidelines, your rules, that you will know those rules need not exist.
I know that if I become a success I will laugh in your face.
I know that if you're children one day look up to me, I will tell them how you brought me down.
I know that you shouldn't judge me based off of letters on a piece of paper.
I know I should try better. But your constant lecturing isn't helping.
I know John 8:7

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