Monday, April 27, 2009

Dimming Rage

My soul burned!
My heart churned.

My head blew steam
Reality, it's a bad dream.

All the walls that I wanted to smash
Your world, his, I wanted it to crash.

I was gonna get up in his face
Yell at him, make him look like a disgrace.

I awkwardly talk with the wise old bird
I carefully listened to every single word.

Ready to fight, I finally arrived
But I stayed my tongue, acted sleep deprived.

Released my sadness through a small voice
I'm surrounded by a clatter of noise.

I release my anger through several beads
Kick my anger until it completely impedes.

I'm fine with him now, it's all onto you
But I'm still not sure what I want to do.

Cut you with my words, each one a hack
Or apologize for going behind your back.

End of the day, it's no longer hazy
Stay mad at you, I'd be crazy.

Me holding a grudge, impossible
My love for you, insurmountable

But, what to do now?
I'm not sure
What do you think?

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